Pastor Salary : The Benefits
Pastor Salary : The Benefits
This Content Is Written For Winters And King.
How to determine a fair wage for a pastor salary can become a complicated process. There are so many details to take into account. Do they have experience? How big is your congregation? Will you include housing? Do they travel and many more. To determine what to offer and include in your compensation package you want to include see areas and more you might not think of on your own. To get the help you need you will need the services of a firm that specializes in church law. Winters and King, Inc. is such a firm. Their ministry is to nonprofits. Eye have 30 years of experience and have helped home churches all the way to some of the biggest churches in the United States. Winters And King can give you the answers at 918-494-6868.
Is the package you are present reasonable and fair? One way to find out is to compare it with other pastor salary nationwide. Areas to compare are part ime salaries and full time salaries for your salary comparison. The categories to consider when you compare salaries are:salary, retirement benefits, health insurance, housing allowance, life insurance, continuing education, senior pastor, associate pastor, executive/ administrative pastor, youth pastor, adult ministry pastor, children’s pastor and non- ordained pastor.
Compensation can be based on years employed, denomination, region, and education. After you establish a base salary, you can see if it fits into a range that fits. You can add or subtract for years of service, cost of living, workload, goodwill, the your church’s history of raises. An alternative way to determine your pastor’s salary is to base it on the ego of a nonprofit or a school principal. By doing this you can come to a peaceful and appropriate agreement between you pastor and congregation. This seems like a very complicated process but with the help of a firm based on church law it is easily doable with no extra hassle. In the end, spending you money on a good legal counselor is the best avenue for all parties and pastor salary.
There are times when a pastor must learn to advocate for themselves. You can negotiate for a fair compensation plan. Ask that their decision for your salary be based on your goals and achievements, education and responsibilities. Many pastors will shy away from this thinking their congregation will not like them if they ask for more. Will the churches giving go down if my salary goes up? It is better to be paid a fair wage and support your own at home then to give more abroad. You are your church’s first priority. The salary should reflect the church’s income.
Church law can become tricky without the right representation. Know what your needs are and get the best in legal help there is. Winters and King, Inc. understands the intricacies of the legal system so you do not have to. The know what the IRS needs to make a nonprofit. They have represented a multitude of nonprofit organizations. There is nothing that you can throw at them that they have not already addressed before. A salary is just one of the areas they can help you with. Winters And King will help you at 918-494-6868.