Holding Companies
Laws are constantly changing, seemingly becoming more restrictive and hostile towards churches. There are over 1,000 churches getting sued per month. It is a high probability that your church will face some sort of legal trouble in the next 5 years. Lawsuits have become a constant threat against churches and the target is generally the properties such as vehicles, cash, buildings and any assets that hold value. Our team understands the hard work it took in launching your church and building your ministry’s assets. Our team can help you use the laws to your advantage and protect what you have worked hard to inquire.
Our team will focus on putting together a strategy for your church by drafting up the proper paperwork for your holding corporation as it relates to your ministry. These documents include the incorporation, Tax ID Number, bylaws, church/ministry minutes to approve action, etc. Our team gives you guidance regarding existing assets and how to keep them safe in the holdings corporation. We enable you to conduct the work of the ministry without fear of losing your assets.