Housing Allowance
An important aspect of setting a minister’s compensation is designating a housing allowance and knowing how to report it. A housing allowance is often mistakenly reported as income when really it is excluded from a pastor’s taxable income if set up correctly. Winters & King, Inc. is passionate about seeing ministers receive the maximum benefits available under the law. Our firm is knowledgeable about the regulations and reporting procedures required for a housing allowance and can help you properly establish one.
Our firm can advise you in the following areas:
- How to determine a reasonable housing allowance;
- How to create a housing allowance statement;
- How to draft board meeting minutes for a housing allowance; and
- How to comply with IRS regulations and reporting requirements.
Our experienced team is ready to serve you in establishing a reasonable housing allowance. Our goal is to simplify the process and provide peace of mind that your affairs are in order and your wages are protected from unnecessary taxes. Call us today at 918.494.6868 or contact us online to schedule a consultation regarding your legal issues.